The management of gas distribution networks in different fields from the beginning of the project to the end requires an integrated system and data from (electricity, sewer, wastewater), which can be optimized with the corresponding modules of Moskito Gas. Among the advantages of using this system in gas distribution networks are included, for example, increasing efficiency, reducing delays and time cycles in order execution, and optimizing the capacity of production and service resources.

Possibility of transferring data to calculation programs for analysis, planning, presentation, and results in Moskito GIS.
The information supports the navigation, search, presentation, and selection of the levels and the printing of maps.
Simple positioning and loading of data from a coordinate range facilitate efficient workflows.
Object information can be retrieved from your databases as well as from external data.
- Comprehensive data model for urban and non-urban sectors, e.g., all pressure levels (medium pressure, high pressure, low pressure, house connection)
- Structured data acquisition from gas objects
- Testing of object structure and networks
- Minimizing the risk conditions for projects
- Reports, analysis
- Exercising Moskito Gas' data for crisis management
- Graphic and attribute data information
- Printing and plot preparation, also large-format
- Creating thematic maps
DIN 2426.4 and DVGW-compatible
B / W and colored by simply switching
Web-information and Web-GIS
Integration of cadastral, aerial, and satellite images
Customizable by user
Line cross-sections automatically as the display expanse.