Research Project IWRM-Vietnam, Integrated Water Resources Management
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>> Wastewater treatment concepts in Nam Dinh Today  June 10 , 2014
Wastewater treatment concepts in Nam Dinh

The subproject aims at the development of treatment concepts for municipal and urban wastewater. The project has two components, one focusing on rural areas and the other on urban areas of Nam Dinh province:

  • A decentralized concept for treatment of heavy metal loaded wastewater from industrial areas in rural regions in Tong Xa commune,
  • An integrated solution for wastewater treatment and water reuse in an industrial area in NamDinhCity.

Partners and people

    • Bernd E. Erhardt, Managing Director
  • University of Greifswald
    • Assistant Prof. Dr. Joern Kasbohm

Posted by Administrator on 2008-06-10 10:06:40 | Print friendly | Go to top
Final Workshop on the IWRM Project Nam Dinh September 17, 2009
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DWA-conference GIS in water management, January 21-22 in Kassel, Germany
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Sanitation Options in the Asia Pacific, 18-21 November, Hanoi Vietnam
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eE+E Institute of environmental Engineering+Ecology, University of Bochum
IGG Institute of Geography and Geology, University of Greifswald
INRES Institute of Plant Sciences & Resource Protection, University of Bonn
The research project IWRM-Vietnam is fundedby the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
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